lung n. 1.肺脏,肺。 2.(无脊椎动物的)呼吸器官。 3.【医学】辅助呼吸的装置。 4.〔pl.〕 〔英国〕可供呼吸新鲜空气的地方。 an iron lung【医学】铁肺,人工呼吸器。 at the top of one's lungs 用最高嗓子。 have good lungs 声音大。 the lungs of London 伦敦市内的肺〔指公园等绿化空旷地方〕。 try one's lungs 使尽嗓子叫。
Our bone structure was all wrong , our lung power inadequate 我们的骨结构不适应,我们的肺活量跟不上。
I don ' t have the lung power 我的肺活量不行
As the drilling proceeded , he seemed to wax exceedingly wroth over trifles , and to increase his lung power in proportion 在排练进行之中,他似乎对一些小事都表现得愤怒至极,嗓门也相应地变得越来越大。
Further , people with respiratory problems may have difficulty using a mask , which demands three times the lung power of normal breathing 此外,有呼吸问题的人使用防毒面具可能会有困难,因为肺部会比正常呼吸费力三倍。